I did try URL loading/streaming working in our project, but it seems significantly slower than asset bundle loading for short clips, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to measure download status/ progress, or react to errors. For my specific use case, I think I’ll go with embedding the video clip assets in the client’s streaming assets since they are going to be small, and fairly static assets. But the URL thing is a viable work around for other scenarios.
1、Check that the addressables group for the sound is set to Uncompressed
2、Check if there is a custom build.gradle in the project and add ‘.bundle’ to the noCompress in the gradle.
aaptOptions {
noCompress ‘.unity3d’, ‘.ress’, ‘.resource’, ‘.obb’, ‘.meta’, ‘.wem’, ‘.bnk’, ‘.txt’, ‘.xml’,‘.bundle’ //ADD_NoCompress_TAG
Can someone please help me? I am having the same issues on Android 9.0 or earlier (API level 28 or lower) when downloading addressable video clip content. I even opened a new thread (attached here is also my project folder with a very simple clip recorded with Unity Recorded).
“Autoconnected Player “Autoconnected Player” AndroidVideoMedia::OpenExtractor could not translate archive:/CAB-156a9f0d16bb33fc9bb9bb792bf6c6ba/CAB-156a9f0d16bb33fc9bb9bb792bf6c6ba.resource to local file. Make sure file exists, is on disk (not in memory) and not compressed.”
This warning is driving me insane!
8446601–1120085–Addressable Video Test Project - Unity 2022.zip (1.36 MB)
worked for me. thanks!
Video Playback from Uncompressed Asset Bundle Works in Mono but Fails in IL2CPP on Android 14
Hi everyone,
I’m encountering an issue where video playback works perfectly when using Mono but fails when switching to IL2CPP. I’ve tried everything discussed in similar threads, including:
- Disabling code stripping using a custom
. - Ensuring that the AssetBundle is uncompressed by using:
Copy code
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles("Assets/StreamingAssets", BuildAssetBundleOptions.UncompressedAssetBundle, BuildTarget.Android);
- Using the latest Unity version (2022.2.19f1 LTS) and testing on Android 14.
Despite these efforts, the video still won’t play in IL2CPP, while it works fine in Mono. Has anyone faced a similar issue or found a solution for this? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
even not resolve in unity 2023.3.19f1