Addressables Cache error on IOS


I am working my way through learning Addressables, mainly for keeping app install sizes to a minimum.

On IOS I am coming across a strange error when calling Addressables.DownloadDependenciesAsync with a tag being passed in.

This works fine in editor but when building for IOS the very first time it loads i see this errors in the console:

statvfs failed with errno=2; path was /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CAECFE29-C3BE-4689-A0AA-E56B1D2999B0/Library/UnityCache/Shared

I do want to try and catch this error but also want to know exactly what is going on here.

It seems to me that the Cache file dosent save correctly. however on any subsiquent load the assets are loaded from said cache and displayed.

Is anyone able to shed some light on this?