Addressables Editor Hosting Window Removed?

I can no longer find the Editor Hosting window on Unity 6/Addressables package 2.2.2 (or 2.3.0/2.3.1). Has it been removed or is this a bug? I looked in Window > Asset Management > Addressables, as well as the Tools > Window menu in the Addressables Group window.

It has been removed. There are a lot of simple command line webservers you can use in its place. One I use for testing is just to use python3’s built in webserver. From my main project directory I run:

python3 -m http.server 9000 --directory ServerData

Then I define my remote load path as:[BuildTarget]

Hope that helps!

Hey, I appreciate that workaround! My team does have a server I can use, but using the Editor Hosting service was just so easy so I thought it weird that they would have removed it. And I tried searching but couldn’t find any information on it’s removal, so thought it might be a bug.

But now that I now it was just removed, I can move on and use the team server or your command line webserver. Thanks again!