@Alexaroth I recommend to create a new project and if you can recreate it there create a bug report. This is usually the only way to actually get things like these, if they are indeed bugs, to be fixed by unity.
I can do that sure but I want to also know if my assumptions are correct or not. There is barely any documentation out there, I have to look up threads in this forum and search for Unity dev replies to actually get a picture of how this system works
Repro steps: Created empty project, imported addressable, created one prefab, addressed it, built addressable, then ran the code logic I described above
Thanks for filing an actual bug. That is a huge help to us.
Of note though, the issue is that you cannot release by address. Your code of Addressables.ReleaseAsset("Level1Map"); will not work. In the upcoming release, we are improving the logging to let you know when Release is called on something we don’t recognize. Though thinking about it more, I think that log could probably be more explicit still. I’ll think on it.
Either way, you need something more like:
Addressables.LoadAsset<GameObject>("level1").Completed += e =>
m_asset = e.Result;
//and later
Upon thinking about this a little more, we are going to explore making Release(“address”) work. We can’t for instances, but for a loaded asset, it is most likely possible. Just fyi.