Addressables: Loaded TMP_SpriteAsset Appears as ScriptableObject and Doesn’t Apply Correctly

When using Addressables to load a TMP_SpriteAsset, the loaded asset appears in the Inspector as a ScriptableObject instead of being properly recognized and applied as a TMP_SpriteAsset. As a result, the expected sprite functionality doesn’t work.

What could be causing this issue, and how can it be resolved?

I’m using Unity 2023.3, and I followed the proper steps for loading the asset, including ensuring that the path is correct and that the TMP_SpriteAsset exists at the specified location. Below is the code snippet for loading the asset:

    public void Load_Addressable_SpriteAsset(string path, Action<TMP_SpriteAsset> onCompleted)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
            Debug.LogError("Path cannot be null or empty.");
            onCompleted?.Invoke(null); // Return null to indicate failure

        if (onCompleted == null)
            Debug.LogError("OnCompleted callback cannot be null.");

        Debug.Log($"Attempting to load TMP_SpriteAsset from path: {path}");

        // Start the loading operation
        var handle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<TMP_SpriteAsset>(path);

        // Subscribe to the completion event
        handle.Completed += operation =>
            if (operation.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded)
                if (operation.Result != null)
                    Debug.Log($"Successfully loaded TMP_SpriteAsset: {}");
                    onCompleted?.Invoke(operation.Result); // Pass the loaded asset to the callback
                    Debug.LogError($"TMP_SpriteAsset at path '{path}' is null.");
                Debug.LogError($"Failed to load TMP_SpriteAsset at path: {path}. Status: {operation.Status}");

            // Release the asset handle to free up memory