Addressables.LoadSceneAsync does not load skybox correctly with "LoadSceneMode.Additive"

I found some bug (maybe).
1.when I use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync with “LoadSceneMode.Additive”, the skybox is not change, I must use SceneManager.SetActiveScene like this

        var handle = Addressables.LoadSceneAsync("scenePath", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
        await handle.Task;
        var curScene = handle.Result;

2.when I use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync with “activateOnLoad = false”, I can not use SceneManager.SetActiveScene , I must code like this

        var handle = Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(input.text, LoadSceneMode.Additive,false);
        await handle.Task;
        var curScene = handle.Result;

What is the difference between the two active?

unity version 2019.4.5
Addressable version : 1.12.0

AFAIK the lighting settings (and thus the Skybox) is always picked from the active scene, unless they changed the behaviour in the latest versions.