Hi, i’m getting an error on tvOS related to addressables.
Error:UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path “/com.unity.addressables” is denied.
Warning: Application.persistentDataPath has been stripped!
Seems like addressables is trying to access the wrong folder. Only on tvOS.
works on other platforms, Android & iOS & windows
Tried setting Strip Engine Code = false
target SDK = Device SDK
Target minimum tvOS version= 10.0
Api Compatibility Level = Doesn’t matter, same error
Please need help
June 15, 2020, 7:08am
bump, need help please
People here may be able to help you: https://forum.unity.com/forums/addressables.156/
Usually the developers answer questions there.
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Apparently tvOS has a very limited local storage 500KB of persistent storage.
Found here App Programming Guide for tvOS: Apple TV and tvOS
“Your app can store and retrieve user data in iCloud.”
This is shocking
thanks, should have searched here
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Is there any update on this? I’ve had a look through the forums and not been able to spot anything that resolves this, or that just says Addressables aren’t compatible with tvOS
Fixed in Addressasbles 1.20.3, just in case anyone finds this thread (as I did).