Can anyone advise if Addressables is correct for my needs?
I have written a fully working jukebox script. It holds up to 400 songs in an array. The array is generated from songs just dragged and dropped into the holding arrays in the inspector. One holding array per album, to make it easier on the eyes.
Now, here’s the thing that I don’t know - it’s going to try and load all those songs at runtime, isn’t it? Obvisouly I don’t want that.
I’m fairly new to C# and need pointing in the correct direction. At first glance, Addressables look like I’d have to create 400 seperate bundles, one for each song. Is that correct?
This means that the entire audio clip isn’t loaded into memory, but it’s streamed from disk on demand. This is usually what you want for music and looping ambience sounds. See LoadType here.
Note that there’s still some memory cost - the docs claim that a streaming audio clip has an overhead of approximately 200KB. This means that your 400 songs will take up ~80mb of memory if you just load them all and put them on Streaming. You’ll have to figure out if that’s a problem or not for yourself.