Hello there,
In our project we have the Scenes marked as addressables, so we are calling the following line of code in order to load a Scene via addressables asynchronously and hold its activation:
AsyncOperationHandle<SceneInstance> _operation = Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(_sceneAddressablePath, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode.Single, false);
Later on we call this to activate the loaded Scene:
SceneInstance _scene = (SceneInstance) _operation.Result;
But our problem occurs when we are unloading the current Scene (before activating the next one) and we call the Addressables.Release method to unload some assets.
This seems to instantly activate the next Scene. Is this behaviour expected? Are we missing something to avoid this?
I took the liberty to create a test project and attach it in here if someone wants to replicate the issue. In order to replicate the problem you should:
Download and open the project;
In the ‘Addressables Groups’ tab go into ‘Build’ → ‘New Build’ → ‘Default Build Script’;
Still in the ‘Addressables Groups’ tab, go into ‘Play Mode Script’ → ‘Use Existing Build’;
Open FirstScene and Play it on the Editor;
Click on the ‘Release Circle Asset’ button to release the asset;
Watch the scene automatically change;
We tested this on both 1.7.5 and the latest 1.11.2 versions of the Addressables Package.