Hello, I have raw image with render texture in Addressables prefab but raw image is completlely black and dont working. I dont know reason but I think Addressables causing it. I tried putting raw image in scene and it worked. Can anyone help me? Thank you.
Edit: If camera is in scene and raw image in addressables it doesnt work but if both of them in addressables it works. I dont know why If it is bug I will report it.
We’ll flag this for the team to have a look. Wouldn’t hurt to also file a bug report for us too.
Which version of Addressables are you using?
So, likely the problem is that your camera in the scene is having its reference broken when the asset is built into Addressables. This isn’t something that we can automatically link back up when the asset is loaded.
What you’ll likely need to do is get the render texture from Addressables and set it on the Camera in a script.
If, however, you’re good with both Camera and image being Addressable then all you’ll need to do is instantiate the Camera because the reference is maintained through the Addressable build.
Thanks, I put camera in addressables and there is no problem right now. So this is not a bug? So I don’t need to make bug report right?
Correct. No need for that bug report.
It still seems to break if the camera is a child of an addressable prefab with a reference to the addressable rendertexture. (version 1.16.16)