Addressables scenes with ECS subscenes in them (build issue)

Hi, devs! I’ve encountered an issue while moving my DOTS project to use Addressables. The problem is entirely for the build, everything works in the Editor.

When adding a scene, that contains an ECS subscene, to Addressables groups, the corresponding subscene is not packed into a bundle under the EntityScenes directory, because, according to the documentation, only subscenes present in scenes which are included in the Editor Build Settings are going to be packed.

I tried a workaround by adding that subscene to the Init scene with auto-load disabled: the subscene now packs to a bundle, but I still somehow get an error when trying to load it after its parent Addressables scene is loaded. I also considered adding subscenes to Addressables groups, but SubScene component uses its own scene reference different from AssetReference in the Addressables package, and I didn’t see an option to write a wrapper class.

And yeah, I’m aware of the ECS Content Management system, but I didn’t find in the documentation how to specify the build dependency on a specific subscene and load it manually at runtime if needed.

I will be grateful for any help and advice.

SubScenes can’t exist in Addressables. Not much more to add really, it’s just not supported.