AddTorque not working

Title says it all. The function which uses AddTorque is being called but no torque is actually being added to my object. I’ve made sure there are no constraints, mass = 1, angular drag = 0.005. I’ve looked through tutorials and previous posts with the same issue and I’m sure I’ve covered all the bases. However, there’s no effect on my object! Any insight would be appreciated

 void Start()
        GetComponent<Rigidbody>().maxAngularVelocity = 200;

        if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>() == null)

    void OnMouseDown()

   private void Sway()
        float turn = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * 50 * Time.deltaTime;
        GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddTorque(transform.up * turn, 

Input. GetAxis(“Vertical”) was getting me 0 when my function was first called. So obviously, 0 times any number would still be 0 meaning nothing would change.

I don’t when it happened, but my obect had Is Kinematic checked when I opened it again. This would also effect your object. However, the main issue was the Input. GetAxis() and Time.deltaTime. I think also gets a very small number between frames(close to 0) meaning it would make a VERY tiny number when multiplied by another number.

So, to anyone reading this, you’re fine just doing float turn = 30f;

Good luck coding!