Hi ppl, actually i cannot find the extra downloads for unity editor on linux only for windows, any tips, tricks or workarounds ?
You can use Wine or a Windows virtual machine and then copy the files to the appropriate location.
nice idea ! i will try it now, thanks !
edit : any idea of what folders i need to copy on Window$ instalation ?
The standard assets are installed into [Unity path]/Editor/Standard Assets
, and the documentation into [Unity path]/Editor/Data/Documentation
. By the way, I had to install Unity itself as well, because it wouldn’t let me install the documentation without it.
Edit: You can also link the directories instead of copying them, which will make it quicker to install new versions of the addons.
sure, thanks ! i’m aready make a backup of assets , but i go make an backup of documentation too, thanks a lot !
I have them. I have decompressed Standard Assets for window the .exe:
You can also acquire the standard assets directly from the asset store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/32351