Adjust stiffness of suspension of a Wheel Joint2D

I have a wheel joint in my scene which is attached to a car, this all works perfectly, but the suspension is always bottomed out-due to the mass of the cars body. I can get around this, but it requires setting the mass of the car to something in the range of 5-10. This is too low for my game and as a result I would like to increase the mass of the car, without the suspension bottoming out. However I do not see any way to increase the stiffness of the suspension.

How can I increase the stiffness of the suspension on a wheel joint 2d?

this is a 2d project in unity 4.5.2f, and I am using windows 8.1.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Hi I did a 2D Vehicle Control for the asset store, in my script the WheelJoint2D are created automatic, but some tips for your vehicle are:

Make your wheels child of the carbody. The carbody and the wheels need a rigidbody2d. In your carbody add 2 WheelJoint2D. In the WheelJoint2D drag and drop you wheel to connected rigidbody option. Adjust the anchor option of the WheelJoint2D. Your wheel object dont need WheelJoint2D, just your carbody.

For the suspension values on the WheelJoint2D, try this:

  • Damping Ratio 0.7
  • frequency 6
  • angle 90

2D Vehicle Control 2D Vehicle Controller | Physics | Unity Asset Store