Hi… so i just started making a mobile game… and was curious what i need to do about different screen resolutions… Whats the best way to go about adjusting my resolution? so that it can be the same on every device??
You have to account for different resolutions, different deviced don’t even necessarily have the same aspect ratio so you will not be able to force a resolution on all devices without black filler bars. You don’t want to anyway, since people usually want do enjoy the highest available resolution.
What you do is make sure everything is done in percentages. A dialog box is not x by y pixels, it’s a by b % of the screen size. As shriya mentioned, the UI includes this functionality, automatically scaling UI elements and moving them around to fit the screen perfectly but you may have to apply this principle to other aspects of the game. For example, a top view RTS game with a map and units may have a fixed camera position and the ability to scroll left and right. You may have to adjust the relative size of units by zooming in, based on the size of the screen and the aspect ratio, in fact, why not give the player the ability to zoom?
One particular consideration is the portait vs. landscape problem, you want your game to work for both so your UI and gameplay have to allow for it. You may even want a different UI specifically for portrait, or a UI that moves things around.