I get the following error on the player post compile step:
Error building Player: ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Without Admob integration, it will build and run on an iPhone correctly. I’m on the latest patch 4.6.2.p1 - 4.6.2 would not build either. Suggestions on tracking this down? I’ve attached my build settings.
4.6.2.p1 does not solve the problem - 4.6.2.p2 might make it worse - so DO NOT use that patch. After much trial and error, the workaround is to create new Xcode projects for every build ( appending an existing one will not work ). You will receive the null error when trying to overwrite an existing project. This allows my project to run with iAds, I am still confirming that Admob will also function. I will post an update later.
Do not spend a ton of time looking at your own code - this is an issue with Unity’s pipeline.
This is a bummer. I was wondering what was up with this.
Hopefully Unity will address it soon.
If using indie, 4.6.3 introduces a splash screen error. Recommend staying on 4.6.1 - sigh