I’ve been working on an iPhone project in Unity 3.5 for iPhone. Now, I’d like to implement some ads, to make a bit of money off a free version. I’ve seen posts where people say that the AdMob SDK can be integrated in Unity 3D, but I can’t seem to find where. Where can I find how to implement the SDK in Unity 3D?
Kind regards,
Arne Gevaert
I’ve also written an AdMob and Mobclix plugin for Unity, the MobClix plugin is currently free, please find it here:
link text
I have invested much time to add AdMob to my game, but it is REALLY EASY!
However I have no Unity only solution, it is rather XCode only solution…
How To Add AdMob Ads Into Your Existing Unity3D iOS Game
I’m not aware of an official adMob plugin for Unity3D for iOS. There are a few third party solutions available, such as prime31’s:
They also supply the greatest support for their products that I’ve seen around.
First of all, thank you for your responses.
TheFOL: That forum post definitely looks interesting, but in the installation instructions, they talk about Android implementation only. Is this possible for iPhone too?
Daniel Kim: I’ve stumbled upon Prime31 before, and it definitely looks appealing and extremely user friendly, however I’d like to search for a maybe less user friendly but free way, but if I don’t find anything free, this is definitely my backup plan.
First of all, thank you for your responses.
TheFOL: That forum post definitely looks interesting, but in the installation instructions, they talk about Android implementation only. Is this possible for iPhone too?
Daniel Kim: I’ve stumbled upon Prime31 before, and it definitely looks appealing and extremely user friendly, however I’d like to search for a maybe less user friendly but free way, but if I don’t find anything free, this is definitely my backup plan.
Hey, good news is we have a FREE trial version - Admob Ads Plugin Universal (iOS & Android) ready for you guys to download.
Download it at http://www.neatplug.com/trial?p=p-u3d-admobaduniversal .
It is the easiest way to get Admob working for you on both platforms in no time!
Any interests in other plugins we provide? Kindly navigate to http://www.neatplug.com to check out all great changes happening on Unity plugins!
NeatPlug Mobile Solutions