AdMob freeze at first but works later!

Hi guys,
I am using AdMob, after the first install of the game neither banner nor rewarded is working.
But if user close and reopens the game it works.
How can I solve this problem?

May I know are you implement Unity Ads under Admob mediation? Can you contact Support and provide additional information e.g. the device logs for some investigation?

Thanks but I have actually a worse problem now. Implemented ADS works very well in editor mod but not works in Androip phone.
I am using AdMob with my other game and it works without a problem.
But I am not sure what is wrong with this setup.

  • I checked ap-ID in settings
  • Ad-Unit IDs
  • I resolved the external dependency problems
  • My app is approved my ad units are active at AdMob side.

Can you share your Unity Game ID by email to Our support personnel will look into it for you. Thanks.


I think there was a miss understanding. Support answered that they only answer Unity ADS questions.

No worry. You can reach out to Admob support, or maybe someone from this community can answer your questions.