Admob in Unity.

Does anyone know about the status of Admob for use in Unity/games?
I read in here in an old post that you had to participate in Admob for games beta to be allowed to use them in a game. I couldn’t find anything in their site though.
Soooo is it out of beta? Do i just use Admob now?

Your in luck!

Google have recently released there Admob plugin for Unity and it is relatively easy to implement. To implement this follow the steps that are provided in the read-me file.

I’ve used it and it works perfectly with little effort.

In addition to that many people have experienced a problem that their ads are not clickable. Find this line of code and make sure that it is set to true:

<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.ForwardNativeEventsToDalvik" android:value="true" />