Admob Interstitial ads are not showing up?

I want to show interstitial ads after 5 times of gameplay. I have written the below code and added it to a game object. So that when the user clicks the restart button 5 times (ie, after 5 gameplays) an interstitial ad should show up but its not. Banner ads are showing correctly but interstitial ads are not showing?

using System; 
using UnityEngine; 
using GoogleMobileAds; 
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
    public class GoogleAdmob : MonoBehaviour {
    private int count; private BannerView bannerView; private InterstitialAd interstitial;
    void Start(){
      count = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Count");
      RequestBanner ();
      RequestInterstitial ();
      bannerView.Show ();
      if (count > 5) {
          count = 0;
          PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Count", count);
      count += 1;
      PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Count", count);
    void Update(){
    private void RequestBanner() {
      string adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
      #elif UNITY_IPHONE
          string adUnitId = "INSERT_IOS_BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";
          string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";
      // Create a 320x50 banner at the top of the screen.
      bannerView = new BannerView(adUnitId, AdSize.SmartBanner, AdPosition.Bottom);
      AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
      // Register for ad events.
      bannerView.AdLoaded += HandleAdLoaded;
      bannerView.AdFailedToLoad += HandleAdFailedToLoad;
      bannerView.AdOpened += HandleAdOpened;
      bannerView.AdClosing += HandleAdClosing;
      bannerView.AdClosed += HandleAdClosed;
      bannerView.AdLeftApplication += HandleAdLeftApplication;
      // Load a banner ad.
    private void RequestInterstitial() {
      string adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
      #elif UNITY_IPHONE
          string adUnitId = "INSERT_IOS_INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";
          string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";
      // Create an interstitial.
      interstitial = new InterstitialAd(adUnitId);
      AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
      // Register for ad events.
      interstitial.AdLoaded += HandleInterstitialLoaded;
      interstitial.AdFailedToLoad += HandleInterstitialFailedToLoad;
      interstitial.AdOpened += HandleInterstitialOpened;
      interstitial.AdClosing += HandleInterstitialClosing;
      interstitial.AdClosed += HandleInterstitialClosed;
      interstitial.AdLeftApplication += HandleInterstitialLeftApplication;
      // Load an interstitial ad.
    // Returns an ad request with custom ad targeting.
    private void ShowInterstitial() { 
       if (interstitial.IsLoaded()) { 

For me the problem seems to happen because the interstitial ad takes a while to load (sometimes up to 3 seconds). You’re trying to call it too fast, and it’s not loaded, so nothing happens. What I did was continually try to show the interstitial ad in void Update until it shows (using a bool called shown):

void Update () {
			if (shown == false) {
			Debug.Log ("Not yet...");
			}  	}
public void ShowInterstitial()
	if (interstitial.IsLoaded())
		shown = true;
	} else	{
		Debug.Log ("Interstitial is not ready yet.");
	}	}

You could also load the ad at the beginning of the level, and then only call it when the round is over.

are you using the right ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for instertitial ? you create a full ad for your app in admob ?

download this last plugin
and then add code

4.How to integrate Interstitial into Unity 3d app?

Here is the minimal banner code to create an interstitial.


Unlike banners, interstitials need to be explicitly shown. At an appropriate stopping point in your app, check that the interstitail is ready before showing it:

if (Admob.Instance().isInterstitialReady()) {