I have a question regarding app advertising. My first app used Everyplay, which allows you to reward players for watching an entire video. However, on Android the earnings per video are extremely low. For my next game I want to use Admob, but I am not sure if I fully understand how it works. Admob has interstitials, which you can serve to a player at a selected time. Do these function the same way Reward Videos do in Everyplay? I want players to watch a video in order to earn coins.
I have the same problem in trying to understand if there’s a way to know if the user has watch the interstitial video entirely. Unfortunately I can’t find a way to understand how to get this information in the AdClosed event.
void HandleAdClosed (object sender, System.EventArgse)
I think the key is here… to understand how the AD closed… I will let you know if I find a way.
I would try Heyzap. We got $7 eCPM for 3 months solid on Android for them. Admittedly this was 2 years ago, but they were paying better than everything on iOS that we tried at the time (Playhaven / RevMob / ChartBoost) by FAR.
Admob Reward Video just support ads from third networks
Install Plugin https://github.com/unity-plugins/Unity-Admob ,and then add networks adapter and sdk in xcode project or eclipse project. It is more complex than admob and institial