when I updated the unity to 4.3
the admob can’t click
but when i import the admob in the unity for 4.0
the admob can click
now How can i import the admob in the unity for 4.3
when I updated the unity to 4.3
the admob can’t click
but when i import the admob in the unity for 4.0
the admob can click
now How can i import the admob in the unity for 4.3
Create an AndroidManifest.xml file in the Plugins/Andoid directory in your Assets folder (if it’s there already, just open to edit it). If there was no android manifest, just look for a default one in the internet.
In the ** < application>** part but outside < intent-filter> part add this line:
< meta-data android:name="unityplayer.ForwardNativeEventsToDalvik" android:value="true" />
(you may want to delete the space after the ‘<’ , it doesn’t show up here if I don’t put this space there
And don’t forget to add INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions