Ads mediation errors

Good evening everyone,

I am new on the forum so I did not find on the topics a proper way to configure ads mediation.
I had hundreds of errors and I think I deleted a lot of stuff I should not because of ads mediation.
I reinstalled unity 6000 with a new project trying to understand how to put ads on a phone game.
When I switched plateform to android I had the error win32 with gradlew.bat issues, I found a video from Jack Harris explaining how to resolve the 0% progress due to this gradlew and it worked until 100% but I have 235 errors aproximatively the same

Error encountered importing asset at path ‘Assets/LevelPlay/Runtime/Plugins/Android/IronSource.androidlib’, with GUID ‘41f97cccd67914da08fae71bc0830225’
Note: If this Assert is triggered, it may be necessary to add a new extension to the list of skippedPaths in Modules/AssetDatabase/Editor/Public/PreviewImporter.cpp

That Jack Harris does not have and I think it is because of the iron source unity plugin I installed (8.5.1)
It creates a lot of other errors…
Well I am really stuck, if someone could help me or sending me to a good link to understand. Thank you !

I have the same problem: Error encountered importing asset at path ‘Assets/LevelPlay/Runtime/Plugins/Android/IronSource.androidlib’, with GUID ‘41f97cccd67914da08fae71bc0830225’
Note: If this Assert is triggered, it may be necessary to add a new extension to the list of skippedPaths in Modules/AssetDatabase/Editor/Public/PreviewImporter.cpp

Did you find any solution???

Hi Lucass3d,

Sorry for answering so late, I saw the mail and I forgot…
I succeeded in another way.
First : I used an old backup of my project before installing the hell of “adsmediation”.
Secondly, I went on “google admob” solution only, I followed all the steps of this guy : BAM Games and apps. This guy has some unity tutorial and teaches well.

This tuto helped me too :

I tried everything on my phone with my videogame and the google banner ads, insterstitial and rewarded ads are working ont the tests. I still did not try on play store, my project is not far enough right now. But it should work.

Don’t uses adsmediation :smiley:
Hope this can help you.