Ads not showing up after playing for a while

Heey people,

so we released an app two days ago for iOS and Android and we’re showing some Unity Ads in it. We’ve earned our first couple of dollars and stuff seems to work fine, but we discovered that the Ads stop showing after you played the game for a while at once. Quite a lot of people tend to play the app for one-two or even more hours in a row - an Ad shows up all three rounds, about 3-4 minutes in normal playing - so that’s already a not to small loss for us.

I read that Ads get blocked for a couple of hours after they’ve been seen, is that the case? And is there just such a small amount of Ads (in Germany)? We released the app in Germany first, so all of our players are from Germany.

The app is called BitDuel (



Ads has a hard limit of 25 ads per day per user - and the same ad won’t be shown during the same hour twice. Are your players reaching these limits?

Kind regards,

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That’s possible, yep, I think so. Thank’s for answering!

Is the hard limit documented anywhere? (For if that value changes in the future).

And which ShowResult option would get returned in this instance?

Yep! You can find it in our Monetization FAQs.

I’m not sure exactly, but I’m guessing the ShowResult would be Failed. Since it would not have been able to show an ad. However, you should be using Advertisement.IsReady before calling show anyway.

Ideally, you would evaluate the return value of IsReady before presenting the user with the option to watch an ad for a reward. If the ad is ready, and the user opts in to watch the ad, then you would call Advertisment.Show.