Ads problem

I want to add button to game which purpose is to reward developer by watching ad (ui button click).But video loads after 5-6 seconds. What to do to show ads right away when you click on button , without waiting ???

It should show immediately. Please share code, or see what differences you have compared to our “reference implementation” in GitHub - Unity-Technologies/unity-ads-engineintegration-test or


I have Admob video here and Unity Video Ad

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;
using admob;

public class BtnSc : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()

public void Click()
if (Advertisement.IsReady())
else if (Admob.Instance().isInterstitialReady())


In Editor Unity Ads are showing right away when i click on button , but not on Android device(on device after few seconds as i said )

How much time are you giving Ads SDK to initialize? Remember it has to get response from server, likely cache videos etc before ad is ready to show.


It takes 12 seconds for ad to show(I counted now), but new problem came up . With this script when ball hits wall bottom game reloads and when the game over is counted 12th time it should show ad. It worked till now, now when i played suddendly there is no ad on 12th gameover , game just stops on 12.(Admob ads)

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class BallScript : MonoBehaviour

    public Vector2 startForce;

    static int times = 0;

    public Text timesText;

    public Vector3[] positions;

    public Rigidbody2D rb;

    void Start()
        int randomNumber = Random.Range(0, positions.Length);
        transform.position = positions[randomNumber];
        times = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("PlayedInRow:", times);
        rb.AddForce(startForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse);


   void Update()

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PlayedInRow", times);
        timesText.text = "PlayedInRow:" + times.ToString();


    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
        if ( == "wall_bottom")

            if (times == 12)


One guess is that since you store and load the value of times using PlayerPrefs.SetInt() /PlayerPrefs.GetInt(), you start on a number higher than 12 next time you start game. Perhaps add Debug.Log() messages to you code to see if this is the case.


Well no , counter resets to 0 when you quit the game. I don’t know origin of the problem , yesterday worked fine :((