Hi all:
Right now I have an array with 4 gameobjects in it. When the user comes up to a stop they need to click on those 4 objects to pop a question and advance. The problem is, with the way I have it currently built, the user can just click on a single item 4 times and the question will pop.
So my question to you all is, what is the best way to force the user to have to click on each item I want them to? Dictionary, Array, ArrayList? Something I have never heard of? I’m staying away from hard-coding it by saying things like “if has been clicked then” as each stop has a different number of items.
for(i = 0; i < gos.Length; i++)
if(hit.collider.gameObject == gos*)*
bool foundit = false;*
if(clickedObjects[0] == null)*
_ clickedObjects = hit.collider.gameObject;_
* count++;*
* }*
* for(int j = 0; j < gos.Length; j++)*
* {*
_ if(gos*)
Debug.Log("gos instance id is " + gos.GetInstanceID());
if(gos == clickedObjects[j])
foundit = true;
print("Trying this again. Found it is now set to " + foundit);
* if(!foundit)*
* {*
_ clickedObjects = hit.collider.gameObject;
Debug.Log("clickedObject instance id is " + clickedObjects.GetInstanceID());
print("The count is now at: " + count);
* }*
* }*
Thank you.