► Advanced Dissolve ◄

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Shader core features:
• Dissolve using dynamic mask objects: Sphere, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Plane, Per-Axis (X,Y,Z). Simultaneously can be use 4 objects.
• Multiple texture blend for alpha cutout and edge noise control.
• UV, Triplanar and Screen-Space dissolve projection.
• Various edge color controllers, including simple color, gradient and ramp textures.
• Solid, Smooth and Noisy edges.
• Color emission is visible to Global Illumination system.
• Fully compatible with Unity post processing and image effects.
• Includes Standard, Physically Based, Legacy, One Directional Light, VertexLit, Unlit, Particle, Unity Nature, SpeedTre and TextMesh Pro shaders.

Shaders are Curved World compatibility.

Try PC Build

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SpeedTree and Unity Nature (trees) dissolving:

TextMesh Pro compatible:

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Wow just wow :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Amazing! Wonder if it support mobile, anyway it’s great!

Mobile Unlit, VertexLit and One Directional Light shaders are included.

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Any news? Can i ask how much is the planned price?

Hi, will it work with SpriteRenderer? Will it work with Spine ( EsotericSoftware ) shaders?


Would it be possible to try it with their example scene and show us some nice appearing and disappearing effects on their characters, PLEASE.

How about UI Image?


Advanced Dissolve is a collection of custom hand-written shaders and can not be replaced with other shaders. It is possible to integrate effect in other shaders but do not offer it as a feature.
Currently there are not sprite or UI shaders (added to wishlist).

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Amazing and exactly what I was looking for (recently). Quick question, does it work on Macs?

Yes, even on mobiles.

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Next update coming soon

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Next week will be available new update:

  • Will be added feature to make standard cutout from the MainTex, like default AlphaTest shaders do.

  • Global controller for dissolve effects. Efficient way for animating multiple materials just from one script.

  • SpeedTree and Unity Nature shaders

  • Mobile One directional light shader

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Do you need to create new material for each object which you need to dissolve? If I have a big object which contains hundred of materials, do I need to manually create all new materials for them?
This is the only big question I have, because I have purchased many dissolve shaders on AssetStore, but there is no asset which do not need to create new material to work :frowning:


Advanced Dissolve is not Image Effect, it’s a common per-material effect.
On those hundreds of materials you will have to just change shader.

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Amazing shader! I am looking for the same functionality like dynamic sphere mask does, but with scaleable cube instead of sphere. Is is possible to implement it? What I am looking for exactly is how to hide part of geometry within another mesh.

If I find an optimized solution.

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My organization have purchased your asset “advanced-dissolve” and i am just checking it out. its a good asset.
i have a question that, i want to use this effects only when a plane touches the game object and only effects that game object not the others just like your doing in sample scene with sphere.

With Plane mask you can not achieve it. Plane has no bounds, all pixels on the ‘positive’ side of the plane are under mask influence.

New update will include new Box mask feature, it may be what you are looking for.


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Has this been tested on VR too?

I have bought some other dissolve effects and found that the meshes disappear at certain camera angles, suspect to do with their transparency. Is there any way I could get a demo of this to test if it meets my needs before I purchase it?