Shader core features:
• Dissolve using dynamic mask objects: Sphere, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Plane, Per-Axis (X,Y,Z). Simultaneously can be use 4 objects.
• Multiple texture blend for alpha cutout and edge noise control.
• UV, Triplanar and Screen-Space dissolve projection.
• Various edge color controllers, including simple color, gradient and ramp textures.
• Solid, Smooth and Noisy edges.
• Color emission is visible to Global Illumination system.
• Fully compatible with Unity post processing and image effects.
• Includes Standard, Physically Based, Legacy, One Directional Light, VertexLit, Unlit, Particle, Unity Nature, SpeedTre and TextMesh Pro shaders.
Advanced Dissolve is a collection of custom hand-written shaders and can not be replaced with other shaders. It is possible to integrate effect in other shaders but do not offer it as a feature.
Currently there are not sprite or UI shaders (added to wishlist).
Do you need to create new material for each object which you need to dissolve? If I have a big object which contains hundred of materials, do I need to manually create all new materials for them?
This is the only big question I have, because I have purchased many dissolve shaders on AssetStore, but there is no asset which do not need to create new material to work
Amazing shader! I am looking for the same functionality like dynamic sphere mask does, but with scaleable cube instead of sphere. Is is possible to implement it? What I am looking for exactly is how to hide part of geometry within another mesh.
My organization have purchased your asset “advanced-dissolve” and i am just checking it out. its a good asset.
i have a question that, i want to use this effects only when a plane touches the game object and only effects that game object not the others just like your doing in sample scene with sphere.
I have bought some other dissolve effects and found that the meshes disappear at certain camera angles, suspect to do with their transparency. Is there any way I could get a demo of this to test if it meets my needs before I purchase it?