Advanced Game Controller System

I’m not sure if this is advanced, but i had this idea for a game controller that allows you to swap between sub-level mechanics without changing the main systems script. And I’m not sure how to go about doing this.
Main Game Mechanics Script:

public class mainScript : MonoBehaviour
    public MyOtherScript myOtherScript;
    public Light myLight;
    public GameObject myDoorObj;
    float playerHealth = 10.0f;
    int playerScore = 0;
    string playerName = "name";
    public void Start()
        myLight.color =;
    public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.tag == "button") {
    public void OtherPosableControls() {
        //No other controls at this time

Sub Game Mechanics Script 1 Actions: (Level 1)
Press button once only
The light turns on only
Door Opens only

public class subScriptOne : MonoBehaviour
    public myParentScript mainScriptParent;
    public void ButtonPressed() {
        mainScriptParent.myLight.color = Color.white;

Sub Game Mechanics Script 2 Actions: (Level 2)
Press button 2 times
Light turns on
Press button
Light blinks
Door Opens

public class subScriptTwo : MonoBehaviour
    public myParentScript mainScriptParent;
    int buttonCount;
    bool blinkFastIO;
    public void ButtonPressed() {
        if (buttonCount == 2) {
            mainScriptParent.myLight.color =;

        buttonCount += 1;

    public void Update()
        if (buttonCount >= 3)
            if (blinkFastIO)
                mainScriptParent.myLight.color =;
                mainScriptParent.myLight.color =;
            blinkFastIO = !blinkFastIO;

Sub Game Mechanics Script 3 Actions: (Level 3)
Door Opens and closes
Pressing button will either open or close door and light
Door Opens

public class subScriptThree : MonoBehaviour
    public myParentScript mainScriptParent;
    bool myButtonState;
    public void ButtonPressed() {
        if (myButtonState)
            mainScriptParent.myLight.color = Color.white;
        else {
            mainScriptParent.myLight.color =;

Idk I think it would be nice to be able to have the main script that you can swap game mechanics for each level.

So, from what I understand, you want to have some control over what a simple button press does? So, for level 1, if you press the button once, those actions get executed, in level 2 you have to press it twice and in level 3 it does something completely different at a different moment.

I’ve worked on something similar and it can be done with a ton of work, the question is, do you really need it?
Think about all of these as certain actions. A button press is an action, the light turning on and off is an action, an animation playing somewhere is an action, etc. What you could do, is instead of writing a script per level (or in this context, per list of actions), you could write a script per action (so, pressing the button would be one action). That action would be complete once a certain condition is met (so, pressing the button X times would set the isDone to true) in which case you want to move onto the next action in the list. By doing this, you don’t have to write a single script of this type ever again. You just list the actions in the order you want them to be executed and set their parameters manually.

public class Action
    public bool isDone;

    public void DoExecute()
        // Additional code if needed
    protected virtual void Execute() { }

public class ButtonPress : Action
    [SerializeField] private int pressesRequired = 1;
    private int playerPressed = 0;
    protected override void Execute()
        isDone = playerPressed == pressesRequired;

You would also need some type of controller that controls which action is being worked on at the moment etc.
It’s a ton (srsly, a ton) of work to make this work and think really hard if you need it. It will save you hours or days in the long run, but in the short run, it’s a waste of time to bother with it.

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I figured as much, thanks for the answer. I was hope i wouldn’t half to put everything in the same script.