Advanced Mesh vertex colors

Hi all,

I have an issue with the color generation of my meshes which I used vertex color to generate (I have used shader graph with connected node from vertex to frag color and it has worked with the normal mesh gen). I have debugged each vertex color (in the step of assigning to the vertex data) and there are numerous colours available – all with varying quantity ofc – but the output sphere (attached) seemd to just use an average of all the colors rather than each vertex having its own color? I am not exactly sure what is the problem here or is that the way it should be? (Pls excuse me if this is not the supposed format for topic or how I attach stuff as I have never used this before)

The code that is responsible for mesh setup (which I speculate to be the issue) cannot be attached as I am a new user, and I don’t know what the supposed format is, so I put in in the preformatted text option, would be grateful if anyone would let me know. Thanks a lot in advanced.

using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;

public struct AdvancedMeshGenSetup
    private NativeArray<Vertex> vertices;
    private NativeArray<TriangleUInt16> triangles;

    public void Setup(Mesh.MeshData meshData, int vertexCount, int indexCount)
        NativeArray<VertexAttributeDescriptor> meshDataDescriptor = new NativeArray<VertexAttributeDescriptor>(2, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
        meshDataDescriptor[0] = new VertexAttributeDescriptor(VertexAttribute.Position, dimension: 3);
        //meshDataDescriptor[1] = new VertexAttributeDescriptor(VertexAttribute.Normal, dimension: 3);
        //meshDataDescriptor[2] = new VertexAttributeDescriptor(VertexAttribute.Tangent, dimension: 4);
        meshDataDescriptor[1] = new VertexAttributeDescriptor(VertexAttribute.Color, dimension: 1);

        meshData.SetVertexBufferParams(vertexCount, meshDataDescriptor);

        meshData.SetIndexBufferParams(indexCount, IndexFormat.UInt16);

        meshData.subMeshCount = 1;
        meshData.SetSubMesh(0, new SubMeshDescriptor(0, indexCount)
            vertexCount = vertexCount
        MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontValidateIndices);

        vertices = meshData.GetVertexData<Vertex>();
        triangles = meshData.GetIndexData<ushort>().Reinterpret<TriangleUInt16>(2);

    public void SetVertex(int index, Vertex vertex)
        vertices[index] = new Vertex
            position = vertex.position,
            //normal = vertex.normal,
            //tangent = vertex.tangent,
            color = vertex.color
        Debug.Log($"vertex color: {vertices[index].color}");

    public void SetTriangle(int index, int3 triangle)
        triangles[index] = triangle;