How do i use advanced shaders?
I downloaded a unity pack called something like “Advanced Shaders” but im not sure how to use them…
How do i use advanced shaders?
I downloaded a unity pack called something like “Advanced Shaders” but im not sure how to use them…
You probably use them the same way you select and use the built-in Unity shaders.
On any material, there’s a drop-down for the Shader at the top. For a fun one, select the built-in “Diffuse Detail” shader. It should give you two texture slots, which it will mix. The scale x/y slots allow you to change the tile size. A better version of that shader (which may be in your package) would also have a slider to adjust the mixing strength.
If you look at the specular shader, it has an extra slider for the glow size, and a way to pick the glow color. In general, you have to know if a slot is for a regular texture, a spec map, a bump map, a warp map (or any kind of noise) a mask, … . Also, anything that moves over time (none of the built-ins do that,) you’ll have to Play to see it really work.