Advanced Shooter Kit v1.6.5 - Powerful system for creating a shooter game [RELEASED]

Dear Unity developers, I’m glad to share with you my contribution in Asset Store: Advanced Shooter Kit. This asset is a powerful, flexible and simple system for creating a shooter game.

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Need touch kit for it? Click here!

Release Notes

• Designed for single player games.
• All sources only C# coders.


Very Good Start :slight_smile:

I think it could be improved with some Jumping and Aiming Down the Sights.

Keep it up!

Thank you very much, in future updates will try to implement more features.


i have some questions:

1 - 3d shooter pack has no upgrade system maybe can add? [is it possible to combine with some code from fps constructor?]

2 - is there any way you can make a pack like that for third person shooters using mecanim? or am i missing soemthing and this CAN be used with mecanim controller third person shooter also? [im noob]

Hi, probably a third person view will appear in future updates. What about the rest until I can not say.

I am facing problem in 3d shooter starter kit.
Actually, I want to add score when enemy destroyed.
But could not find the code in which enemy destroyed after hitting several bullets.
can you please tell me where is the code that is used to destroy enemy?


can you please tell me where is the bullet that is fired from AutoRifle. When gun fired. I did not find any object related to bullet.

Hi Jolta, this is raycast, see ImpactManager.

Hi, I’m from Brazil and I have a problem.
When I put the “enemy” on another site he gets Arrested “Do not move”
Please take much do you get that doubt.

Add facebook: Redirecting...

Hi, BrasilBr, you need a Bake “Navigation”.

Thank you, helped much

Hello friend ta giving this error when you click on “BAKE”
help me because I want to finish my project


1844530--118311--Sem título.png

Hi BrasilBr, please see navigation tutorials THIS and THIS.

Hi. I want to use only crosbow. But when I give it, System is out. I liked its effect. But I did not use :(( Can you help me please?

Hello frarslan, delete all don`t used weapons in prefab.

Hello, tell me about your new FPS kit. Is there an AI and mobile support ?

Hello poison77 thanks for interest to my asset.

Yes, but all ai logic(example it logic based by NavMeshAgent) you need will to write own.

Yes it will work on a mobile phone, but you will need a touch controllers.

NOTE: This is a new Asset.
Old free asset “3D Shooter Starter Kit” has been removed.

Does this work with Unity3D 5 beta ?

Hello unicat thanks for interest.
Maybe many bugs, full “Unity 5 Ready” after final release of Unity 5.