Advertisement Legacy doesn't work on Android build but works fine in Editor

This is my first time integrating ads, so I followed a YouTube tutorial for interstitial ads. The ads worked perfectly in the editor, but when I built the Android app and tested it on my phone, no ads were displayed. I tried searching for solutions online, but none of them worked.

  • I have used the initialization and interstitial ads scripts provided in the Unity documentation as is.
  • Under the mediation partners section, I selected the “I only use Unity Ads” option.
  • All the SDKs and JDKs were installed using Unity.
  • There are no errors in the editor console.
  • The Unity version I am using is 2022.3.51f1.
  • The Android Game ID has been correctly assigned in the Ads initialization script.
  • I have tried with testing mode enabled and disabled both but none worked.

Did I miss something or do something wrong here? Any help on this topic would be appreciated. Thanks!