Advice - best way to integrate 2 character controllers


I’m committed to using an RPG system that also includes a character controller that is heavily tied into the RPG framework itself. This system is saving my bacon.

However, I would like to use the Ledge character controller (which is terrific btw!) instead of the RPG controller, and I haven’t found a way of making the two controllers play nicely together. The Ledge controller allows for a movement style unavailable within the RPG controller. I suspect they could work together, but I don’t know how to do it.

My question is, based on your experience of integrating two systems like this, which way do you go about it?

  • Ask the developer to create an integration (I’ve done this and it’s unlikely at best)
  • Incorporate the code of one into the other (is this even possible/legal?)
  • Keep trying to piggy-back both script components onto the player (this has not been working…two controllers at the same time is clearly not ideal)
  • Pay someone to do the integration
  • Another option

It’s a n00b question, but I’m at an impasse. Thanks.

This could work. Simply disable one controller when you activate the other.

This is probably your best bet. Open both controllers up. Figure out what makes them tick. Then transplant the functionality from the one to the other.

Thanks for the help. I’ve now got me a plan :wink: