Advices about Game background in 2D game for Android?

Hi friends.

Can i have some advices on creating game background in 2D game for Android? I had thought about using skybox before but it uses 6 draw calls so… :frowning:
Btw, what is the max resolution for an image file?


For textures wouldn’t it be 4096x4096 max?

Doubt that would be a good idea on the Android, though.

I am using a plane in the distant camera view (child to the camera) with a texture on it. If the camera moves, then the image stays in the background (stationary). You could not have it this way if you prefer for the background to scroll, but you’d have to instantiate more background planes down the way.

Having scrolling backgrounds might be a bad idea though. You need to optimize it really well to get it to not lag.