Hi there,
I have submitted my package to asset store but it was declined:
“The package seems not a quite fit for the store. We have chosen not to publish this asset. However, we greatly appreciate the time and effort spent in preparing your submission.”
My package is a stereo model with an editor extension that modify its style (working with the colors of the materials).
This is the site of my asset: site.
This is the description:
You will buy two things:
-A stereo model (made by M.A.N. production)
-An editor extension (to allow you to personalize the stereo)
In this stereo you can have an exhaustive quantity of details:
-There are 12 buttons and 2 knobs.
-Three multiples materials and a texture of 2048×2048 pixels.
-A very easy documentation with images; in PDF.
-Eight possible styles that allow you to personalize your stereo with only one click!
-30000 faces.
These are some shots of my package:
Do you have some advices for re-submitting my asset with success?
Thanks and regards!