Advices for a re-submitting to the asset store

Hi there,
I have submitted my package to asset store but it was declined:

“The package seems not a quite fit for the store. We have chosen not to publish this asset. However, we greatly appreciate the time and effort spent in preparing your submission.”

My package is a stereo model with an editor extension that modify its style (working with the colors of the materials).

This is the site of my asset: site.

This is the description:

You will buy two things:

-A stereo model (made by M.A.N. production)

-An editor extension (to allow you to personalize the stereo)

In this stereo you can have an exhaustive quantity of details:

-There are 12 buttons and 2 knobs.

-Three multiples materials and a texture of 2048×2048 pixels.

-A very easy documentation with images; in PDF.

-Eight possible styles that allow you to personalize your stereo with only one click!

-30000 faces.

These are some shots of my package:

Do you have some advices for re-submitting my asset with success?
Thanks and regards!

This is just my opinion, but it’s probably a visual issue with the model. 30,000 faces (polys) is far too many. 300 would be more reasonable. Consider rebuilding the model, and definitely revise the textures and materials, to make it look on par with this or this or these Turbosquid models. It should look at least as good as comparable models on the Asset Store – and preferably better-looking, otherwise how can it compete with the existing assets?

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Also you should probably ask yourself “how many people go to the asset store looking for a stero model with an editor extension for customizing colors?” If there isn’t a big demand, it won’t be successful.