After 5.0 update, 2D Polygon Colliders are not colliding with each other

Is this a bug? After updating my characters are falling through the platforms. Both characters and platforms use Polygon Colliders for collision. Nothing much else changed.

So to test it I made a new scene with a box collider floor, then added a circle with a circle collider and a rigidbody2D. The circle landed on the box as normal. Then I tried using a polygon collider for the floor instead, and it worked normal. But when I change the circle collider to either a polygon collider or a box collider, they pass through each other like they’re not there.

Am I missing something?

OK I think I figured it out: There is a new effector system. The collider has to have “Used By Effector” checked, and an Effector component has to be applied to the same object, e.g Platform Effector 2D.

It’s actually pretty cool, because the effectors have different properties. However, if there was any information that 2D colliders would have to be changed in the new version, I completely missed it.

No, Its a problem for me too. Can’t find answers