After adding cinemachine and pixel perfect it caused my character to become small and move wrong

I added cinemachine and pixel perfect camera and after doing so my character became tiny and the game view was smaller, and when I go to move the player, he permanently starts moving in that direction at a very slow and choppy rate and I can no longer control his movements.
I was also receiving a message about “Rendering at an odd-numbered resolution…”. I have tried disabling the pixel perfect camera on the main camera, deleting cinemachine, closing Unity, and changing the aspect ratio and nothing is working, I was following a tutorial since I’m new to Unity but as far as I know I didn’t do anything different, please help!

You are not using Cinemachine correctly. The correct paradigm is to have:

  • One Main Camera with a Camera component and a CinemachineBrain
  • One or more CinemachineVirtualCameras, which are separate game objects from the main camera, not parented to it. These vcams should NOT have Camera components
  • Target objects for the vcams to track. These are separate gameobjects, not parents or descendants of any camera objects.

You have multiple Camera components in your scene, which is probably confusing things. Get rid of all of them except the main camera.

This worked, thanks a bunch!

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