After Effects + Unity3D

Hello, so yesterday i made a ‘fire’ in After Effects starting at one pivot point going up, i have the PNG Sequence in a sprite sheet.

Now my question is:
How do i import this to unity? I do know how to import like Smoke to unity and add it to a Particle System, but i have no idea how to make the fire… Adding the sprites to a particle system… Yeah you know what happens haha

Can anybody tell me the work of this? Thanks!

I said, its already a sprite sheet.

I need to know how u import it into unity, i have a fire but i dont know how to import it

Here ya go.
First link - :wink:

Does that also work for 3D space?

Since the engine is 3D and 2D setup is in 3D - my guess is yes, but if the result is no - please update the thread with correct information.
If your referring to the particle issue with 3D - I think this will work as you want - might need to billboard (lookat) the sprite to always face the camera.

Thats exactly what i mean > Billboard (lookat), but also animated and thats my question, i will look at it, thanks!