After installing UI Toolkit, the gear icon in the Shader Graph editor stopped working (2020.1.0f1)

As the title says. I even created a new project. The settings / gear icon the Shader Graph was working fine, but as soon as I edited the manifest and added “com.unity.ui”: “1.0.0-preview.3”, the gear icon does not work anymore.

Also, I sometime notice intermittent flashing in the main preview window.

I have this issue too - the preview of shader nodes flickers and I have literally no way to change/add outputs from shader graphs AND sub shader graphs… the shader editor is utterly useless for me right now.

We had issues with click registering twice sometimes. Please uninstall UI Toolkit package and wait for the next drop which should come soon.

Actually I was thinking of another bug. This one seems like a new one under further examination. Please report it as a bug with UI Toolkit using the Unity built-in Bug Reporter.