After update EntityComponentSystemSamples from 0.51 to 1.0 the VS2022 breakpoints cannot hit

I have two projects, one is 0.5.1 and the other is 1.0.

the one ECSSamples + VS2022 of 0.5.1, the breakpoint can be hit, while the other one ECSSamples + VS2022 of 1.0, the breakpoint cannot be hit…

0.5.1 can hit:

1.0 can not hit:

and when i open the 1.0, there is the window:
and i can just select i wish to continue at my own risk,
otherwise if i select the restart unity as a standard user the window will pop up over and over again and again…at last get the errer:

Unhandled Exception: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Error starting gRPC call. HttpRequestException: Can't assign requested address (ilpp:80) SocketException: Can't assign requested address",


but if i select i wish to continue at my own risk then there is not error, but as I said before, break points can’t be hit…

what i test is \EntityComponentSystemSamples\ECSSamples\Assets\Advanced\Boids\Boids.unity

I’ve found something new:
in 2022.2.0b8(1.0), disable the Burst Compilation can hit the breakpoint, but after enable the Burst Compilation will not hit the breakpoint…
But! in 2021.3.4f1(0.51), enable the Burst Compilation also can hit the breakpoint…8499866--1131674--upload_2022-10-9_15-52-42.png