Trying to upgrade to 2017.2. I bought TMP years ago.
Steps I’m taking:
–install 2017.2 (do not open Unity once it’s done - I also tried opening it and deleting the TMP folder from my project - same outcome as this)
–delete /Assets/TextMesh Pro/ from my project via Explorer
–double click “TextMesh Pro - Release (dll only).unitypackage” - gotten from the sticky thread Useful Information & Download Links . It opens Unity.
–click my project to open it
–It asks if I want to update my code to the new version. I say yes.
–Import the new TMP
–All my TMP couplings on all my text objects in all my objects (prefabs and all UI elemnets) are all gone with the message “ Nothing selected”.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to go through all (Several HUNDRED!) my text and re-do with the “new” TMP? Doesn’t seem worth it.