Up until now, it hasn’t been an issue just throwing the camera on the Player game object, and converting the Player to entity, destroying it in the process… now, as of .10 upgrade, does no longer seem to support this commonsensical simplicity.
If this is not a bug, would I now be restricted to produce a copytransformtogameobject system every time I want the camera to change its target to an entity (or similar camera grab of entity transforms from within monobehaviors)?
I must be missing something, as after downgrading back to .9, the issue is not resolved.
So… I can’t actually use Camera now without keeping injected gameobjects copying from entity transforms, and monobehavior. As fun as that sounds, it’s redundant as shit.
After looking around a while, I’ve come across the RenderMeshSystemV2 taking a large chunk of the main thread, every frame, to keep ~1000 objects sharing a single GPU instanced material…
…would you happen to have any tips for best working the new system?