I just upgraded to UnitySetup64-5.0.1p4.exe (PATCH 4).
I’ve opened three different projects. The UI 2D designer fails to render any UI controls in the designer.
Please see attached image.
I’m on Windows 64, running Windows in a VM Fusion VM.
I’ve rolled back to p3.
Any idea what’s going on?
I was just about to post the exact same issue: UI controls do not render in the designer.
Also using the x64 version of 5.0.1p4.
I’m experiencing the issue with the Mac version as well. Has anyone submitted a bug report?
Doesnt look like it, can you do it?
I already uninstalled p4. UNITY - DON’T YOU MONITOR THIS?
May 11, 2015, 1:24pm
Same issue here on a mac. UI is fine in game window, blank canvas in editor/scene view.
Mac version 5.0.1p4
@SajBear (and everyone else)
I just submitted a bug report. Case Number: 696140
1 Like
Xemenas thank you. My bad, I should have submitted this when I had p4 installed.
Wonder why Unity has been silent on this issue.
May 11, 2015, 11:56pm
Thats pretty damm awful testing to miss that before a patch release !
The support team just got back to me and let me know that they are aware of the issue. It can be tracked here: Unity Issue Tracker - [SceneView] UI no longer renders in the Scene view
(My issue was marked as a duplicate)
This bug has been reproduced in those versions, it is not reproducible in 5.0.1f1 & 5.0.1p3. (f = final p = patch)
We don’t recommend using a patch release unless they fix a major shipstopper for you.
Thanks @ !
And as a heads up to everyone, I just downloaded 5.0.2f1 and everything is working fine.
This bug has been reproduced in those versions, it is not reproducible in 5.0.1f1 & 5.0.1p3. (f = final p = patch)
We don’t recommend using a patch release unless they fix a major shipstopper for you.
We need the patches for IL2CPP issues. Ya’ll are doing a good bit of work in this space.
Any idea when p5 will be out?
Thank you,
[quote=“KarlShifflett, post:14, topic: 579783, username:KarlShifflett”]
Any idea when p5 will be out?
[/quote]Unity 5.0.2f1 came out today, and contains all the fixes from 5.0.1p1 through 5.0.1p4, plus fixes for shipstopper things like the scene view UI issue.
5.0.2p1 is already being worked on and will be out next week.