wow looks very nice man,great work can’t wat to try it out
Lookin good!
Looks great!
Looks amazing and my 6 yr old son and I (both train geeks) will be interested in the end product!
Wow, this looks like something I might actually buy. And that’s saying a LOT.
Very nice! I love trains.
looks sick mate, love the colors and over all feel, reminds me a lot of old final fantasy 7 and stuff.
Wow, that looks great and sounds like a lot of fun.
Wow, this looks something I’ll just have to buy once it’s out. Hurry up and take your time polishing it, as Samuel Goldwyn would say
Determining what Android devices it will work well on should be easy. Was it cheap without a plan? Don’t bother. Price correlates pretty closely to hardware speeds for Android stuff.
Looks very nice! You say you’ve been working on it for 2,5 years now… So is it a one man project? Did you create all the models, textures and general art yourself as well as the code? Or are you a complete team?
I’d be curious to know more about the games history. Certainly something that looks worth buying - especially to support you in your efforts.
Looks insane and differently fun !
Kudos for such an amount of work.
Thanks for the detailed answer! I’m looking forward to your game. I never played with toy trains, but reading your thread makes me want to.
If this turns out even half as good as the screenshots look and your background sounds, it’ll be fantastic! Very much looking forward to this.
great work there^^ i like trains as well
more pics! more pics! more pics! more pics! MORE PICTURES PLEASE!!!