Where can I find some FREE artificial intelligence for my enemies?

Check out Rival{theory}. They have a great free ai plugin on the asset store. It isn’t very well documented but it is very powerful.

Unfourtunatly there isnt a full proof drop and drag AI program out there as it is such a varied subject. if you goto the asset store there is 2 free AI plugins under the scripting/AI tab. one is advance fantasy AI and the other is RAIN Indie.

thats about as good as it gets besides upgrading to unity pro.

I would highly suggest checking out RAIN from Rival {Theory} Here is the wiki page It’s being updated daily and more videos and downloadable projects and tutorials come out almost weekly. Super fantastic addition for Unity.

Why RAIN? It’s powerful, the team is dedicated to making this the #1 go to solution for AI, IT’S FREE, well integrated into the Unity IDE, simple to get started ( seriously…3 steps and AIRig to your character, generate navigation mesh and create a behavior tree), supports legacy animations as well as Mecanim, is HIGHLY customizable, the list goes on…

I absolutely suggest you give it a run…you have nothing to lose and gain everything!

Thank you all guys!