AI Detecting Object,How to have AI detect food near it in code.

I am creating an AI that I want to wander around and when it detects food in within a radius it goes towards it. Here is my code so far, currently it just wanders around. How do I impliment this to get it to find food and go towards it?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using System.Linq;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour

public float speed = 1f;
public float rotSpeed = 100f;
NavMeshAgent agent;
private bool isWandering = false;
private bool rotatingLeft = false;
private bool rotatingRight = false;
private bool isWalking = false;

void Start()
    agent = this.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

void LateUpdate()



private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("PickUp"))

IEnumerator WanderParent()

    if (isWandering == false)
    if (rotatingRight == true)
        transform.Rotate(transform.up * Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed);
    if (rotatingLeft == true)
        transform.Rotate(transform.up * Time.deltaTime * -rotSpeed);
    if (isWalking == true)
        transform.position += transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);

IEnumerator Wander()
    int rotTime = Random.Range(1, 10);
    int rotWait = Random.Range(1, 4);
    int rotLR = Random.Range(0, 3);
    isWandering = false;
    isWalking = true;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
    if(rotLR == 1)
        rotatingRight = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(rotTime);
        rotatingRight = false;
    if (rotLR == 2)
        rotatingLeft = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(rotTime);
        rotatingLeft = false;
    isWandering = false;


,Hello, I am creating an AI that wanders around and when it detects food within its radius it goes towards it. Here is what I have so far:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using System.Linq;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour

public float speed = 1f;
public float rotSpeed = 100f;
NavMeshAgent agent;
private bool isWandering = false;
private bool rotatingLeft = false;
private bool rotatingRight = false;
private bool isWalking = false;

void Start()
    agent = this.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

void LateUpdate()



private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("PickUp"))

IEnumerator WanderParent()

    if (isWandering == false)
    if (rotatingRight == true)
        transform.Rotate(transform.up * Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed);
    if (rotatingLeft == true)
        transform.Rotate(transform.up * Time.deltaTime * -rotSpeed);
    if (isWalking == true)
        transform.position += transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);

IEnumerator Wander()
    int rotTime = Random.Range(1, 10);
    int rotWait = Random.Range(1, 4);
    int rotLR = Random.Range(0, 3);
    isWandering = false;
    isWalking = true;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
    if(rotLR == 1)
        rotatingRight = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(rotTime);
        rotatingRight = false;
    if (rotLR == 2)
        rotatingLeft = true;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(rotTime);
        rotatingLeft = false;
    isWandering = false;


What code do I have to add to get it to detect a game object within a radius and go towards it?

There are a lot of ways to do this, I think the most straightforward way is to use OverlapCircleAll() set the position and radius so that all food near will be within. Save the results in an array, this will be all the food near. Using a loop and Vector3.Distance() you can then find the closest piece of food.