I made you an exemple:
When you press Play, the class NavMeshAnalytics computes 3 things:
- bake NavMesh boundaries edges (blue lines in the screenshot)
- bake NavMesh areas that are layer ignoring (blue lines in the screenshot)
- bake corners (yellow spheres in the screenshot)
You can know if you are near a corner with NavMashAnalytics.IsNearCorner( Vector3 pos, float dist ). Or you can create triggers from code at these locations.
Link to sample project is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NIMtkMJqXgQXyXCBfG0eLKGEZEMpYIPv/view?usp=sharing
PS: if your level is moving, you of course first convert pos in the navmesh local space. (Games like God Of War have moving nav meshes that follow moving level chunks). But Unity is mainly a toy, so it’s possible it only supports static nav meshes as the navmesh baking tool suggest.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
public class NavMeshAnalytics : MonoBehaviour
public struct Edge { public int v0, v1; public Edge( int param_v0, int param_v1 ) { v0 = param_v0; v1 = param_v1; } }
public struct Area { public List< int > edges; }
static private NavMeshTriangulation NAVMESH_DATAS = default;
static private List< Edge > NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES = new List< Edge >( 8 );
static private List< Area > NAVMESH_AREAS = new List< Area >( 8 );
static private List< Vector3 > NAVMESH_CORNERS = new List< Vector3 >( 64 );
static public void Clear()
static public void Bake()
NAVMESH_DATAS = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();
BakeAreas ();
BakeCorners ();
static private bool TriContains( Vector3[] verts, int[] tris, int t, int v )
if( verts == null )
if( v == tris[ t ] ) return true;
if( v == tris[ t + 1 ] ) return true;
if( v == tris[ t + 2 ] ) return true;
Vector3 pos = verts[ v ];
if( pos == verts[ tris[ t ] ] ) return true;
if( pos == verts[ tris[ t + 1 ] ] ) return true;
if( pos == verts[ tris[ t + 2 ] ] ) return true;
return false;
static private List< int > GetAdjacentTris( int[] tris, int v )
List< int > result = new List< int >( 8 );
for( int t = 0, nb_tris = tris.Length; t < nb_tris; t += 3 )
if( TriContains( null, tris, t, v ) ) result.Add( t );
return result;
static private bool EdgesAreConnected( Vector3[] verts, Edge e0, Edge e1 )
if( verts == null )
if( ( e0.v0 == e1.v0 ) || ( e0.v0 == e1.v1 ) ) return true;
if( ( e0.v1 == e1.v0 ) || ( e0.v1 == e1.v1 ) ) return true;
Vector3 e0_v0 = verts[ e0.v0 ];
Vector3 e1_v0 = verts[ e1.v0 ];
Vector3 e1_v1 = verts[ e1.v1 ];
if( ( e0_v0 == e1_v0 ) || ( e0_v0 == e1_v1 ) ) return true;
Vector3 e0_v1 = verts[ e0.v1 ];
if( ( e0_v1 == e1_v0 ) || ( e0_v1 == e1_v1 ) ) return true;
return false;
static private bool IsBoundaryEdge( Vector3[] verts, int[] tris, int t, int v0, int v1 )
for( int other = 0, nb_tris = tris.Length; other < nb_tris; other += 3 )
if( other != t )
if( TriContains( verts, tris, other, v0 ) && TriContains( verts, tris, other, v1 ) )
return false;
return true;
static private List< Edge > GetBoundaryEdges( Vector3[] verts, int[] tris )
List< Edge > edges = new List< Edge >( 16 );
for( int t = 0, nb_tris = tris.Length; t < nb_tris; t += 3 )
Edge e0 = new Edge( tris[ t ], tris[ t + 1 ] );
Edge e1 = new Edge( tris[ t + 1 ], tris[ t + 2 ] );
Edge e2 = new Edge( tris[ t + 2 ], tris[ t ] );
if( IsBoundaryEdge( verts, tris, t, e0.v0, e0.v1 ) ) edges.Add( e0 );
if( IsBoundaryEdge( verts, tris, t, e1.v0, e1.v1 ) ) edges.Add( e1 );
if( IsBoundaryEdge( verts, tris, t, e2.v0, e2.v1 ) ) edges.Add( e2 );
return edges;
static private bool GetNextConnectedEdge( Vector3[] verts, List< Edge > edges, int e_bgn, ref int e_cur, BitArray consumed )
for( int other = 0, count = edges.Count; other < count; ++other )
if( consumed.Get( other ) == false )
if( EdgesAreConnected( verts, edges[ e_cur ], edges[ other ] ) )
e_cur = other;
return true;
return false;
static private void BakeBoundaries()
Debug.Log( $"NavmeshAnalytics: baked {NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES.Count} boundary edges" );
static private void BakeAreas()
Vector3[] verts = NAVMESH_DATAS.vertices;
BitArray consumed = new BitArray( NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES.Count );
for( int e = 0, count = NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES.Count; e < count; ++e )
if( consumed.Get( e ) == false )
Area area = new Area();
area.edges = new List< int >( 16 );
NAVMESH_AREAS.Add( area );
int e_bgn = e;
int e_cur = e;
area.edges.Add( e_bgn );
consumed.Set( e_bgn, true );
while( GetNextConnectedEdge( verts, NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES, e_bgn, ref e_cur, consumed ) )
area.edges.Add( e_cur );
consumed.Set( e_cur, true );
for( int E = 0; E < area.edges.Count; ++E )
int i0 = area.edges[ E ];
int i1 = area.edges[ ( E + 1 ) % area.edges.Count ];
if( verts[ e0.v1 ] != verts[ e1.v0 ] )
int tmp = e1.v1;
e1.v1 = e1.v0;
e1.v0 = tmp;
Debug.Log( $"NavmeshAnalytics: baked {NAVMESH_AREAS.Count} areas" );
static private void BakeCorners()
Vector3[] verts = NAVMESH_DATAS.vertices;
for( int a = 0; a < NAVMESH_AREAS.Count; ++a )
Area area = NAVMESH_AREAS[ a ];
for( int e = 0; e < area.edges.Count; ++e )
Edge e0 = NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES[ area.edges[ e ] ];
Edge e1 = NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES[ area.edges[ ( e + 1 ) % area.edges.Count ] ];
Vector3 s0 = ( verts[ e0.v1 ] - verts[ e0.v0 ] );
Vector3 s1 = ( verts[ e1.v1 ] - verts[ e1.v0 ] );
if( ( 180f - Vector3.Angle( s0, s1 ) ) <= 90.0f )
NAVMESH_CORNERS.Add( verts[ e0.v1 ] );
Debug.Log( $"NavmeshAnalytics: baked {NAVMESH_CORNERS.Count} corners" );
static public bool IsNearCorner( Vector3 pos, float dist )
float sqr_dist = dist * dist;
for( int c = 0; c < NAVMESH_CORNERS.Count; ++c )
Vector3 corner = NAVMESH_CORNERS[ c ];
Vector3 sep = corner - pos;
if( sep.sqrMagnitude < sqr_dist ) return true;
return false;
private void Awake() { Bake(); }
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Color restore = Gizmos.color;
Vector3[] verts = NAVMESH_DATAS.vertices;
int[] tris = NAVMESH_DATAS.indices;
int nb_verts = ( verts != null ) ? verts.Length : 0;
int nb_tris = ( tris != null ) ? tris.Length : 0;
if( nb_verts > 0 )
Gizmos.color = Color.red;
Vector3 size = Vector3.one * 0.2f;
for( int v = 0; v < nb_verts; ++v )
Gizmos.DrawCube( verts[ v ], size );
Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
for( int a = 0; a < NAVMESH_AREAS.Count; ++a )
Area area = NAVMESH_AREAS[ a ];
for( int e = 0; e < area.edges.Count; ++e )
Edge edge = NAVMESH_BOUNDARIES[ area.edges[ e ] ];
Gizmos.DrawLine( verts[ edge.v0 ], verts[ edge.v1 ] );
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
for( int c = 0; c < NAVMESH_CORNERS.Count; ++c )
Gizmos.DrawSphere( NAVMESH_CORNERS[ c ], 0.5f );
Gizmos.color = restore;