For my agents, I used to have “bad” actions (like PassOut) that must be done by the agent if some criterias are matched (like Energy = 0), making sure (using preconditions) that no other action is possible in these cases.
But now, I use terminations for that as it’s more suitable for me.
The problem is when a termination is reached, I don’t know how to check which termination is it, so I can’t call the game logic code that correspond to this termination.
I’ve looked at the new API, but I didn’t find anything to have this information.
Maybe you can use custom TerminationPrecondition. to imp terminations condition and set globel variable indcateing which terminations condition are reached.
Using termination precondition can’t work for me as the planner calls this code long before the situation actually occurs (as it plans in advance).
Moreover, custom code files must be in the AI.Planner.Custom assembly to be seen by the actions in the inspector, which limits a lot what we can do, and to be honest, I don’t even know how I can access to my game code from custom precondition for now