AI planner v0.2.2 infinite rebuilding bug?


I wanted to try out AI planner today, and I got into an infinite loop bug when I enter play mode.

here’s part of the log. is this a known bug? or is it just me?

bumping this issue up.

I tried leaving it running and letting it compile. but just as expected it crashed.
the log file is now 24mb!

Codegen has been one of our main focus areas for the next release. Unfortunately, it’s just something that is necessary to have. We’re aware of a few infinite compilation loops and have corrected most of them.

Can you share a bit more about where you are seeing this? Is this when running our AI Planner samples the “Hello Planner” tutorial or a custom project of yours?

custom project

In that case, do you have at least 1 trait, 1 action, and 1 plan defined? I believe there is a bug that if not at least 1 of each of those is defined, then it will cause an infinite compilation loop.

No. The loop happens whenever I enter into play mode or when unity compile scripts.
I haven’t even started using it yet.

okay so I just did the Assets → Create → AI → (create all the definitions listed) and now the infinite loop is gone.

I can now enter playmode and edit some scripts without worry.

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