hey guys my ai is still shooting at my feet i know my pivot is over thare but i cant change it becouse it would wrek my player prefab i tried it so i tried getting the ai to shoot 1unit above my feet i looked at Unity - Scripting API: Vector3
for reffrence but it is still not working i used vector3 up as i understand it it would be 0,1,0… so 1unit up i guess but it is still targetting my feet
enyone an idea how to fix this
i tried
transform.LookAt(target.transform.position += Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime);
You could make an empty Gameobject as a child of your character and move it to wherever you want the enemy to shoot, then use that object that as the enemy’s target rather than the character itself.
hi yeah i forgot to mention i tried that but than i got problems with the network manager and other scripts becouse they couldnt find the player tag object anymore becouse it is a child thats why i wanted to try this… anyw ay thanks for the tip ill try it again 
You could add an offset to the script which controls the turret. Just add a vector3.up * height offset to whatever line contains the angle it’s determining.
Some code to demonstrate this:
public Transform target;
public float heightOffset;
void Update()
transform.LookAt(target.position + (Vector3.up * heightOffset), Vector3.up);
Good luck, I hope this works in your multiplayer.